My Talks
- S.Chekanov, "Recent results from the ATLAS experiment" (for the ATLAS collaboration), Miami 2024, USA, December 12- 19, 2024, (ATL-PHYS>-SLIDE-2024-640)
- S.Chekanov, Initial studies of tracking using the CLD detector for FCC-ee. The FCCee detector meeting, CERN, Sep 28, 2024
- S.Chekanov et al, ADFilter: Online tool for processing BSM models using trained deep learning autoencoder. ATLAS Machine Learning Workshop, May 13-16 (2024). (CERN).
- S.Chekanov, Summary of Jet Physics Validation. JetEtMiss plenary, May 8, 2024. CERN.
- S.Chekanov, FCCPana – lightweight C++ analysis program for fast and full simulations for FCCee, FCC-ee software general meeting, CERN, May 6, 2024,
- S.Chekanov et al, Geant4 simulations of sampling and homogeneous hadronic calorimeters with dual readout for future colliders, 2nd Future circular collider workshop (FCC-ee), Boston, MIT, March 24-28, 2024, PDF talk
- S.Chekanov, Search for new physics at the LHC, RASA2023, Oct 14, 2024 (XIV International conference) PDF talk
- S.Chekanov, Search for new physics using unsupervised machine learning for anomaly detection with the ATLAS detector, CMS forum (June 16, 2023) PDF talk
- S.Chekanov, HepSim Monte Carlo repository and integration of its software with key4hep, FCC Software Meeting, CERN, (May 30, 2023),
- S.Chekanov, Monte Carlo for HEP Experiments, Mini-Workshop on Monte Carlo Methods,, May 19, 2023
- S.Chekanov, Introduction to HepSim. Reading truth-level events from HepSim, Future Circular Collider (FCC) Workshop 2023 Hosted by BNL, April 24–26, 2023, Link TO PDF
- S.Chekanov (for the ATLAS and CMS collaborations). Plenary talk. "Highlights of Search for New Particles at the LHC", The Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics 2022, Texas A&M University, TX, USA. May 24-27 (2022), PDF file
- S.Chekanov (for the ATLAS and CMS collaborations). Plenary talk. "Heavy Resonance Searches", 10th Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2022), Taiwan, May 16-20 (2022),
- J.Crosby, S.Chekanov, "Searches for new physics in collision events using a statistical technique for anomaly detection", APS April Meeting, New York, Apr 9-12 (2022),
- S.Chekanov, W.Hopkins, Event-based anomaly detection for new physics searches at the LHC using machine learning, APS April Meeting, Apr 9-12, New York (2022),
- Search for new physics in multi-body invariant masses in events with an isolated lepton using $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector, ATL-COM-PHYS-2022-186, Mar 22, 2022,
- S.Darmora, S.Chekanov, ATLAS physics Workshop. Poster. "Searches for BSM physics through anomaly detection using statistical and machine learning methods", PDF file Dec 6, 2021
- S.Chekanov, Anomaly detection for BSM physics. ATLAS Exotic-group kick-off meeting. Nov 17, 2021,
- S.Chekanov etc. al.Event-based anomaly detection using Machine Learning for general BSM searches. Exotics Plenary: Anomaly Detection.
- S.Chekanov, Towards simulations of HHCAL for future detectors, CalVision workshop, Univ of Maryland, 29-30 July 2021, PDF file
- S.Chekanov, Machine learning and anomaly detection using rapidity-mass matrices PDF file ISMD2021. 50th International Symposium on Multiparticle Production. (July 12-July 16, as a poster)
- Status of LVBOX portable test bench (presented by R.Luz). TileCal Week. (June 15, 2021).
- Wasikul Islam, S.Chekanov et. al, Model-Independent Searches for New Physics in Multi-Body Invariant Masses, APS April Meeting 2021,
- S.Chekanov et al., Jas4pp. A Data-Analysis Framework for Physics and Detector Studies. APS April Meeting 2021,
- S.Chekanov et. al, Calorimeter performance studies using Monte Carlo simulations for future collider detectors. CPAD Instrumentation Frontier Workshop 2021, 18-22 March 2021, Stony Brook, NY (
- S.Chekanov. "Introduction to ATLAS Event Displays" ATLAS event-display mini-workshop, CERN, Feb 17, 2021 (
- Chih-Hsiang Yeh, S.Chekanov, et al. Timing layers. 4th FCC Physics and Experiments Workshop, Nov 11, 2020, CERN PDF talk
- S.Chekanov. ATLAS Event displays. Plenary talk at ATLAS Software and Computing week, CERN, Oct 20, 2020.
- S.Chekanov, A.V.Kotwal, J.List, M.Vos, Requirements from substructure and jet reconstruction, Snowmass21, Snowmass Community Planning Meeting, October 5-8 (2020)
Session 131,
- S.Chekanov, Using timing layers for EIC. EIC Physics division meeting, Sep 24, 2020
- S.Chekanov. "Jas4pp - a Data-Analysis Framework for Physics and Detector Studies. Snowmass Computational Frontier Workshop. August 11-12, 2020"
- S.Chekanov. EF06-07 meeting: Electron-Ion Collider Snowmass 21. Aug.4, 2020,
- HepSim for Snowmass21. Snowmass21 Monte Carlo task force, June 20, 2020
- S.Chekanov. Introduction to a dijet+lepton analysis. JDM kick-off meeting. June 19, 2020 (ATLAS/CERN)
- S.Chekanov. Physics potential of timing layers for CLIC. CLIC analysis meeting, CERN, June 9, 2020.
- S.Chekanov. ATLAS Event Displays and Plans. ATLAS Weekly meeting (CERN, Feb 4, 2020)
- S.Chekanov. Introduction to ATLAS Event Displays. ATLAS mini-workshop on event visualisation. CERN (Geneva), Jan 23, 2020
- ATLAS Event Displays. Presentation at ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum (HFSF2019) at The University of Chicago, Dec 16–20 (2019).
- Monte Carlo repository for particle physics and studies of tens-of-TeV hadronic jets for post-LHC experiments. S.Chekanov. Seminar. University of Merland. Oct 16, 2019 Local PDF file
- HepSim – Monte Carlo repository for physics and detector studies for future particle experiments. CEPC workshop, Chicago Sep.16-19 (2019). By S.Chekanov, PDF talk
- Discussion of ATLAS and CMS results on searches for new physics using jets during ISMD2019, Sep 9-13, 2019, ISMD19, Santa Fe, USA
- Studies of granularity of a hadronic calorimeter for tens-of-TeV jets at a 100 TeV pp collider. Presented by Chih-Hsiang Yeh. Boost2019. 21-26 July 2019 MIT (June 2019). (PDF link)
- S.Chekanov, "Machine learning for event classification and automated discovery of new physics at the LHC experiments", APS April Meeting 2019, April 13–16, 2019, Denver, Colorado (APR19/Session/T13.6)
- S.Chekanov (for ATLAS and CMS collaborations). Plenary talk. Dark matter searches in ATLAS and CMS with mono X (X=jets, Higgs, Z) at Run2. PDF presentation. Rencontres de Moriond (March 16-23, 2019, La Thuile, Italy).
- S.Chekanov. Mobidick4 upgrade for LS2 maintenance work. Presentation at TileCal week (CERN). Feb 6, 2019.
- S.Chekanov. Transformation of collision data to rapidity-mass matrices for event classification using machine learning. 3rd ATLAS Machine Learning Workshop. CERN Oct 15-18, 2018. Local PDF
- S.Chekanov. Generic event classification using rapidity-mass matrices and machine learning. Theory seminar. ANL (Sep 25,2018) pdf
- S.Chekanov. HepSim repository for the DarkMachines project. Kick-off for DarkMachines: Unsupervised (and related) Collider Searches. July 31, (2018) pdf
- R.Wang et al. Precision Searches in dijets at the HL/HE-LHC, HL/HE-LHC workshop, Fermilab, April 4-8, 2018,
- S.Chekanov. "Status of dijets_lepton analysis using 2015-2017. data". End of Year Review of ATLAS exotic group. CERN. Dec 11, 2017.
- S.Chekanov (for the ATLAS Collaboration), "BSM interpretation of the Standard Model results from ATLAS". Workshop "(Re)interpreting LHC new physics search results: tools and methods", Fermilab (Oct 16-18, 2017).PDF talk
- S.Chekanov, etc, "Reconstruction of ttbar at 380 GeV at CLICdb", CERN, Sep 14, 2017
- S.Chekanov et. al. Boost2017, Buffalo NY, USA. July 16-21, 2017,Simulations of detector response for multi-TeV physics at a 100 TeV pp collider. PDF talk
- S.Chekanov, M.Demarteau, A.Fisher, "Effect of Pythia8 tunes on event shapes and ttbar reconstruction for CLICdb studies", CLICdb WG meeting, July 13, 2017, CERN Link to PDF file
- S.Chekanov at al. "High-granularity hadronic calorimeter for tens-of-TeV jets at a 100 TeV pp collider", FCC week, 29 May - 2 June 2017, Berlin, Germany. Link to PDF file
- S.Chekanov et al. A kick-off meeting "Searches for new physics in dijets with associated leptons". JDM meeting.
- S.Chekanov. Tile Calorimeter upgrade simulations. ATLAS Phase II upgrade simulation week. Nov 15, 2016
- S.Chekanov. Two seminars "Monte Carlo simulations for future collider experiments". IHEP and Tsinghua University (Beijing. China). Oct 23-29, 2016
- S.Chekanov, P.Starovoitov, "TileCal simulations for the phase II LHC upgrade". TileCal Upgrade week (October 13, 2016). PDF link
- S.Chekanov et al. High-granularity hadronic calorimeter for multi-TeV physics at a 100 TeV pp collider. PDF talk. CPAD Instrumentation Frontier Meeting 2016 : NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR DISCOVERY II. (Oct 8-10, 2016). Caltech, California (USA).
- Upgrade tracking validation using InDetPhysValMonitoring and TrackAnalys. S.Chekanov and R.Wang.ITK upgrade simulation meeting, Valencia (Sep 13, 2016).PDF link
- Standard Model (SM) measurements and general agreement with SM predictions. S.Chekanov for the ATLAS Collaboration. Search 2016 workshop. (Oxford, UK). Aug. 29-Sep.2, 2016. PDF link
- Desing and performance of the inner and outer tracker for a FCC-like detector. S.Chekanov, J.Zuselski. Aug. 2016. FCC hadron detector meeting (CERN)
- S.Chekanov. Monte Carlo simulations for future particle collision experiments. ICHEP2016, Aug. 2016, Chicago, USA.
- Future high-energy experiments and Monte Carlo simulations for the Energy Frontier. A seminar at the Iowa State University. May 4, 2016. PDF file of the talk.
- S.Chekanov. Full simulations of a high-granularity calorimter for multi-TeV physics. FCC-week in Rome. May 2016. Link to PDF file
- S.Chekanov. ProMC: a self-describing format based on Google's protocul buffers. JLab software meeting. March 29, 2016 PDF link to the talk
- S.Chekanov. HepSim Monte Carlo repository. Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing March 16-18, 2016 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Newport News, VA.
- Monte Carlo simulation in ATLAS. ASC/UChicago ATLAS software tutorial. March 6-8, 2016, Chicago.
- Monte Carlo samples for the ITK simulations. ITK Week. JFeb 16, 2016. CERN.
- S.Chekanov. HEP division seminar. March 2, 2016. Simulations for the energy fronier.
- S.Chekanov et al. Geant4 simulation of a high-granular calorimeters for performance studies. FCC hadron detector meeting. CERN.
- S.Chekanov. Simulations for the energy frontier. IAS seminar ias_simulations_hep.pdf. Jan 4-29 (2016). Hong-Kong. China
- Critical remarks on the treatment of statistical significance of a 750 GeV bump in gamma-gamma spectrum. HEP division seminar, ANL, Dec 2015.
- S.Chekanov. Monte Carlo simulations for the Energy Frontier. JLab, Jan 13. 2015. Detector group meeting.
- S.Chekanov. Challenges for Higgs physics for a 100 TeV collider. Link to PDF talk. CPAD conference. Arlington, Taxes, October 5, 2015
- S.Chekanov. Performance requirements for future hadronic calorimeters at 100 TeV. Link to PDF talk. Boost2015. Chicago, Aug. 10-15, 2015
- S.Chekanov, I.Pogrebnyak. Interfacing HepSim with detector simulation. FCC Detector strategy meeting. April 29, 2015
- S.Chekanov. Performance requirements for Hadron Calorimeters. First Annual Meeting of the Future Circular Collider study. 23-29 March 2015. Washington DC. Link to the talk. .
- S.Chekanov.Sensitivity to New High-mass States Decaying to tt in Fully Boosted Regime at a 100 TeV Collider Link to a talk in PDF. IAS program on Future of HEP. Jan 2008, 2015. Joint Consortium of Fundamental Physics, Hong Kong, China
- S.Chekanov. HepSim. A repository with theoretical predictions for HEP community. Link to a talk in PDF. HEP Software Foundation Workshop, SLAC, (20-22 Jan 2015)
- Studies of HCAL calorimeter segmentation for FCC. Link to a talk in PDF. FCChh meeting at CERN (Dec. 3, 2014)
- High-mass states decaying to ttbar in fully boosted regime at a 100 TeV collider. Link to a talk in PDF. Next steps in the Energy Frontier - Hadron Colliders, Workshop at LPC@FNAL, Aug. 25-30, 2014
- CERN, FCC meeting, 2014 July 10, 2014
- Monte Carlo simulations for a future 100 TeV collider, Id=0&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=255936">TileCal energy map using 2012 data Analysis performance week, TileCal group session, 13/06/2013
- Summaries of top-group (detector/algorithms) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, June 30-July 3
- University of Texas at Austin, ttbar Workshop 2013 May 3, 2013
- Fast Monte Carlo simulation for Snowmass 2013 Energy Frontier, University of Pittsburgh, Pheno 2013 May 8, 2013
- Recent ATLAS results on Vector Boson production, BNL. EF Snowmass meeting, April, 2013
- Detector performance for top reconstruction for high-luminosity LHC, BNL EF Snowmass meeting. April, 2013
- ttbar Monte Carlo samples for Snowmass 2013, Theory seminar, ANL. December 6, 2011
- ATLAS data analysis at ANL (discussion with the theorists) , Physics division seminar, ANL. April 1, 2011
- Tests of the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider., ANL, Feb 8, 2011
- DOE HEP Computing review. CERN, Feb 1, 2011
- ATLAS paper overview and open discussion of the underlying event paper. Invited talk at the Cracow Epiphany Conference, Jan 10-13, 2011 (Krakow, Poland)
- Tests of the Standard Model with the ATLAS detector at the LHC , ATLAS Standard Model meeting, 16-Dec-2010 (CERN)
- Standard Model approval talk for the results "Underlying even studies using topological clusters". Oct. 18, 2010 (ANL)
- ANL HEP division seminar. A summary of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD10) , 21-25 September 2010 University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- A summary talk given during 40th edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD10) PDF file or link to the conference page. USATLAS Tier3 meeting, June 2010 (ANL, USA)
- ArCond and parallel job submission at Tier3. ATLAS UE meeting, May 2010 (CERN)
- Underlying event studies. ATLAS Standard model meeting, May 2010 (CERN)
- Underlying event studies using topocluster (towards ICHEP). ATLAS soft-QCD meeting, April 2010 (CERN)
- Underlying event with topo-clusters. USATLAS Tier3 meeting, March 2010 (ANL, USA)
- ArCond: local batch submission. Gamma+jet meeting, Mar. 2010, CERN
- Gamma Cross Sections and Event rates for 7 TeV. Presented by B.Blair. Gamma+jet meeting, Feb. 2010, CERN
- Photon and Photon+jet cross section. QCD meeting, February 2010, CERN
- Studies of underlying event using 900 GeV MinBias data. Jet+X meeting, November 2009, CERN
- A general model-independent search for new physics at ATLAS , US ATLAS Tier3 meeting, November, 2009 (ASC Argonne ANL), USA
- ArCond as a Condor front-end for data intensive Tier3 computer clusters and parallel data processing using distributed data storage. , Tilecal Data Quality, Calorimeter performance meeting (CERN, Geneva), Sep 14, 2009
- Status of TileCal offline DQM. ATLAS analysis workshops at ANL, Sep 10, 2009
- Parallel processing of ATLAS data at Tier3 using PC farms. ATLAS analysis workshops at ANL, Sep 9, 2009
- Status of ATLAS support center computing at ANL. DOE, Washington, August 24, 2009.
- ANL HEP Computing review (not available). Tier2 ATLAS meeting, University of Chicago, August 20, 2009.
- Data copying for T3g: T3 copying speed testing and tuning. Tier2 ATLAS meeting, University of Chicago, August 20, 2009.
- A Computer Farm for ATLAS Tier3 with a distributed file storage. Standard Model Plenary meeting, CERN, June 4 2009.
- JetPhox for NLO QCD calculations (summary of DP JetPhox meeting) , Direct photon meeting, CERN, 28 May 2009.
- Using JetPhox for NLO QCD calculations. MissET-jet Meeting, CERN, 18 March 2009.
- Using Z+jet events to understand jet energy scale in ATLAS. US ATLAS Distributed Facilities Meeting, OSG all hands meeting in Livingston, LA (LIGO laboratory), March 2-4, 2009
- T3g as an example for Tier3 for USA ATLAS. Local copy here. ASC ANL Analysis Jamboree, Feb 25-28, 2009
- ANL ASC analysis tutorial. Part I,II,III,IV. ATLAS TileCAL analysis meeting, CERN, Feb 9-10, 2009
- ATLAS analysis tutorial. Part I,II,III. Jet Calibration Task Force Meeting, CERN, 03 February 2009.
- Using gamma+jet events to understand jet energy scale in ATLAS , ATLAS Egamma meeting, Dec 3, 2008
- Using Z to l+l- gamma data to understand photon signal , ATLAS analysis meeting at ANL, Dec 2, 2008
- ANL PC farm tutorial and the ArCond job submission , E-gamma group meeting, Oct. 31, 2008
- Using data to understand photon signal , Tile DQ Review. Sep. 2 2008 (CERN)
- Tier0 Express Stream Monitoring status I : CaloMonitoring , TileCal Performance meeting. 04 August 2008 (CERN)
- CaloMonitoring developments for Tile Calorimeter , U.S. ATLAS Tier 2 & Tier 3 Meeting, September 22-23, 2008 BNL (USA)
- Tier3 computer facility at the Argonne ATLAS Support Center (ASC) , Jet/EtMiss Phone Conference, CERN
- May 28, 2008, Part II: Jet Validation in release 14.1 , May 14, 2008, Jet/EtMiss Phone Conference, CERN
- Part I: Jet Validation in release 14.1 , PDF file, SLAC Physics seminar (SLAC, USA).
- New results from HERA. , PDF file, DESY Computing seminar, Jan 21 (DESY, Hamburg)
- jHepWork - JAVA data-analysis framework , ATLAS prompt-photon group (CERN, Geneva)
- Status of prompt-photon analysis , ZEUS QCD weekly meeting, November 18, 2007
- Status of K0s-p analysis using HERAII data , HERA-LHC workshop, DESY, Hamburg, October 30, 2007
- Prompt photons at LHC: NLO vs Monte Carlo models. , ZEUS QCD weekly meeting, October 20, 2007
- Prompt photons in photoproduction using HERAII data , Seminar, HEP division, ANL, Argonne (2007), USA
- Recent results from HERA , Presentation during the ZEUS General meeting, DESY, Hamburg, June 29 2007
- Summary of the ZEUS QCD group , Presentation during the ZEUS General meeting, DESY, Hamburg, June 25 2007
- Status of the Barrel Preshower detector (protected) , XV International Workshop on DIS, DIS07 (Munich, Germany, 16-21 April, 2007)
- Observation of (anti)deuterons in DIS at HERA , XV International Workshop on DIS, DIS07 (Munich, Germany, 16-21 April, 2007)
- Prompt photons in photoproduction at HERA , HERA-LHC meeting, DESY, Hamburg, March 13, 2007
- Status of the jHepWork project , HERA-LHC meeting, DESY, Hamburg, March 13, 2007
- Status of the RunMC project , HERA-LHC meeting, DESY, Hamburg, March 12, 2007
- Reconstruction of top-antitop invariant mass at LHC using the all-hadronic decay channel. , Presentation during the ZEUS General meeting, DESY, Hamburg, March 6, 2007
- Scaled momentum distributions in the Breit frame at HERA (protected) , Presentation during the ZEUS General meeting, DESY, Hamburg, June 29 2006
- Summary of the ZEUS QCD group (protected) , Presentation during the ZEUS General meeting, DESY, Hamburg, June 25 2006
- Status of the Barrel Preshower detector (protected) , Paper presentation for the ZEUS Collaboration, DESY, Hamburg, March 27 2006
- Observation of deuterons and antideuterons in DIS at HERA (protected) , HEP2005 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics European Physical Society (EPS) (July 21st-27th 2005) in Lisboa, Portugal
- Search for strange pentaquarks at HERA (ZEUS+H1) , ZEUS Collaboration meeting (June 10, 2005), DESY, Hamburg
- Observation of heavy stable particles in PHP and DIS , ZEUS Collaboration meeting (June 10, 2005), DESY, Hamburg
- Summary of ZEUS QCD group , HERA-LHC workshop (March 22, 2005), DESY, Hamburg
- Status of RunMC , ZEUS general meeting, March 02, 2005 (Hamburg, DESY)
- Observation of new baryons in DIS at HERA (protected from non-ZEUS members) , HERA-LHC workshop (January 18, 2005), CERN, Geneva
- Object-oriented framework for Monte Carlo models , Open session of DESY Physics Research Committee (PRC) (October 28, 2004), DESY, Germany
- ZEUS status - Recent Progress , ZEUS Collaboration meeting (October 23, 2004), Padova, Italy
- Summary of ZEUS QCD group , HERA-LHC workshop (October 11, 2004), CERN
- Object-oriented framework for Monte Carlo models: new features , LCG meeting (September 23, 2004), CERN
- RunMC v3.1: object-oriented framework for Monte Carlo models , WG5 - MC tools, HERA_LHC workshop, DESY, June 2, 2004
- SBumps: analysis framework for automatic search and identfication of peaks in invariant-mass distributions , WG5 - MC tools, HERA_LHC workshop, DESY, June 2, 2004
- RunMC: object-oriented framework for Monte Carlo models , Univ. of Chicago Review (September 1, 2004), ANL, IL USA
- ZEUS physics , DI2004, April 14-18, 2004 Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia
- Search for a narrow baryonic states in DIS at HERA , KEK seminar Feb. 20, 2004, KEK (Japan)
- Particle Production at HERA (PDF file) , YITP workshop on ``Multi-quark Hadrons; four, five and more?'', Feb. 17-19, 2004, YITP, Kyoto University (Japan)
- Evidence for exotic baryon decaying to K0s-(anti)protons (PDF file), DESY forum on pentaquarks, Nov 25, 2003, Hamburg, Germany
- Evidence for exotic baryon decaying to K0s-(anti)protons (PDF file), The presentation on behalf of the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations at the HEP2003 Europhysics Conference (Aachen, Germany, July 17-23, 2003)
- Open charm production in DIS at HERA , The presentation at ZEUS general collaboration week (June 20, 2003, DESY, Hamburg)
- Summary of the ZEUS QCD group, , The presentation at ZEUS general collaboration week (June 19, 2003, DESY, Hamburg)
- Prompt photon production with associated jets in photoproduction, The presentation at ZEUS background meeting (May 9, 2003)
- Startup strategy of the QCD group for new HERA data taking period, The presentation given at the ZEUS QCD group (May 6, 2003)
- Prompt photons with associated jet in photoproduction, The presentation is given by Vasiliy Morgunov at ECFA-DESY Worksop, Amsterdam, Holland, 1-4 April, 2003)
- The reconstruction of top quarks at a Linear Collider , The presentation given by S.Magill at the ZEUS QCD group (Feb 20, 2003)
- Prompt photons in photoproduction, The presentation given at the QCD group (Jan 16, 2003)
- Prompt photons in photoproduction, The presentation given at the QCD group (Nov 28, 2002)
- Multijet production in DIS, The presentation is given by Vasiliy Morgunov at ECFA-DESY Worksop at Prague, Czhech, 15-18 November, 2002)
- A method of top quark reconstruction at a Linear Collider , DESY
- The summary of the QCD group (ZEUS General meeting, October 17, 2002, DESY) , 14th Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics, (Karlsruhe, Germany, October 4, 2002)
- Jet algorithms (invited talk), (September 16, 2002, DESY, Hamburg)
- Status report of the ZEUS QCD group , ZEUS background meeting (August 27, 2002, DESY, Hamburg)
- Background studies using the ZEUS Calorimeter, (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, Feb 28, 2002)
- Phi(1020) meson production in inclusive DIS and strange sea of the proton , (CALICE-HCAL Coll. meeting, Jan 17, DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
- Status of HCAL optimisation at ANL, (The Chicago Linear Collider Workshop, Univ. of Chicago, Jan 9, 2002, IL, USA)
- 6-jet production in e+e- to ttbar process at the NLC, (IPPP Workshop on Multiparticle Production in QCD Jets, 12th-15th December 2001,Grey College, Durham, UK)
- Correlations and Fluctuations in Jets at LEP and HERA (HEP division seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, October 31, 2001)
- Tests of QCD at HERA, (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, October 20, 2001)
- Summary and Outlook of the QCD group , (DESY Forum, DESY, Feb.6, 2001)
- Multi-hadron production at HERA , (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, December 26, 2001)
- Bose-Einstein Correlations in DIS , (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, October 23, 2000)
- Inclusive phi(1020) meson production in DIS , (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, October 23, 2000)
- Summary and Outlook of the ZEUS QCD group , (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, February 24, 2000)
- Search for non-boson-gluon-fusion charm production in DIS , (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, DESY, February 21, 2000)
- Physics results from the ZEUS BPRES. (ZEUS Collaboration plenary meeting, Krakow, September, 1999)
- Charm in the Breit Frame of DIS. (IL, USA, August, 1999)
- "Hadronic Final State at HERA: From Single to Many Particle Inclusive Densities". Lunch seminar at Argonne National Laboratory. (Providence RI, USA, August, 1999)
- Short-Range and Long-Range Correlations in DIS at HERA. Talk given at XXVIV Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics. (DESY, February 12, 1999)
- Talk given at ZEUS General Meeting: Status of the BPRES, (DESY, February 1-5 1999)
- Final summary of the Monte Carlo Workshop (non-perturbative QCD). (DESY, February, 1999)
- Charm Studies Using the Breit Frame. Talk given at Monte Carlo Workshop. (DESY, October 22, 1998)
- Single and Two-Particle inclusive densities in the Breit frame. Talk given at ZEUS General Meeting: (DESY, October 5-9, 1998)
- Summary of the Monte Carlo Workshop (non-perturbative QCD). Monte Carlo Generators for HERA Physics. Workshop 1998-1999. DESY.