Top 40 Statistical Data Analysis Software Programs

February 21, 2017 - Reading time: 12 minutes

Here is a list of 40 most popular commercial and free statistical and data analysis programs. The emphasis of this software listing is on financial and marketing applications.  For  more  general and technical information please refer the corresponding links on the original source.

The programs include statistics packages with intuitive user interface, and can be used for researchers and students. Please click "Read more" for the complete list.


MaxStat by MaxStat Software

Complete statistics package with intuitive user interface and easily understandable results. Designed for researchers and students


Predictive Analytics can uncover unexpected patterns and associations and develop models to guide front-line interaction

Minitab 17 by Minitab

Analyze your data and improve your products and services with the leading statistical software used for quality improvement worldwide.

DataMelt ("Dmelt") by jWork.ORG

Data analysis, math and data visuzalization program which combines the power of Python and Java (free)

Analytica by Lumina Decision Systems

Analytica is a powerful, stand-alone application for visual quantitative modeling with a full array of statistical analysis functions.

Statwing by Statwing

Statwing chooses statistical tests automatically, then reports results in plain English. Statwing is delightful and efficient analysis.

Stata by StataCorp

Stata statistical software is a complete, integrated statistical software package.

STEM by Princeton National Surveys

Excel macro package for running statistical tests on summary data. Output arranged to easily produce graphs in PowerPoint.

XLSTAT by Addinsoft

Variety of tools to enhance the analytical capabilities of Excel, making it the ideal for data analysis and statistics requirements.

AcaStat by AcaStat Software

Statistical software and instructional aids to help you quickly organize and analyze data.

AlterWind Log Analyzer by AlterWind

A log analyzer tool for determining the basic characteristics of the hits on your site.

Analyse-it by Analyse-it Software

Statistical analysis software for researchers in environmental & life sciences, engineering, manufacturing and education.

Analysis Studio by Appricon

Provides an end to end model generation process designed for fast development, analysis and deployment.

ChemStat by Starpoint Software

Full featured RCRA compliant statistical analysis of ground water data.

CoPlot by CoHort Software

A program for making publication-quality maps, technical drawings, and 2D and 3D scientific graphs; includes a statistical add-on.

Decision Analyst STATS by Decision Analyst

Windows-based statistical software for marketing research.

Decision Science by Stone Analytics

Embeddable analytic engines designed for integration into a wide variety of enterprise applications.

Develve by Develve Statistical Software

Statistical software for fast and easy analysis. Basic statistics, Design of Experiments, Gauge R&R and Sample size calculations.

EasyFit by MathWave Technologies

Data analysis and simulation software with data management, reporting functionality for probability distribution selection

ESBStats by ESB Consultancy

Statistical Analysis and Inference Software Package for Windows.

Forecast Pro by Business Forecast Systems

A standalone analytic tool for business forecasting that combines proven statistical methods with an intuitive interface.

JMP Statistical Software by JMP Statistical Software

JMP, data analysis software for scientists and engineers, links dynamic data visualization with powerful statistics, on the desktop.

KnowledgeSTUDIO by Angoss

Business intelligence and predictive analytics software suite with decision tress and data visualization.

MATLAB by The MathWorks

A programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numerical computation.

MedCalc by MedCalc Software

A complete Windows-based statistical program for biomedical researchers.

Number Analytics by Number Analytics

Provides statistical analytics software for business users, pricing & promotion optimization, conjoint analysis, new product design.

PolyAnalyst by Megaputer Intelligenc

Offers a comprehensive selection of algorithms for automated analysis of text and structured data.

Predictive Suite by Predictive Dynamix

Computational intelligence software for data mining analysis and predictive modeling.

Scilab by Scilab Enterprises

Open source software for numerical computation providing a computing environment for engineering and scientific applications.

SigmaPlot by Systat Software

Systat Software presents award winning scientific data analysis software.

The R Project by R-Project.Org

Software environment for statistical computing and graphics (free).

Orange by Biolab.Si

Open source data visualization and data analysis for novice and expert (free)

Statistix by Analytical Software

Easy-to-use, comprehensive statistics and data manipulation

Weka by Waikato Machine Learning Group

Machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks software (free).


A statistical software package featuring a statistics add-in for Excel data analysis, charting and presentation-quality reporting.





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