
Science, Technology and Computation

The Fine Structure of the World — 137

March 12, 2025 Reading time: 7 minutes

       A transcript of the YouTube video story  The Fine Structure of the World.

If the universe did not emerge from an infinite chaos of random possibilities, then it must be woven with abstract patterns and intrinsic regularities - faint traces of a grand design. The laws of nature are but glimpses of a deeper blueprint, waiting to be uncovered. And we, beings with consciousness, guided by the same vision that shaped this design, are here to reveal its mysteries.

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Sleep and Dreams: The Gates to the Unknown

March 5, 2025 Reading time: 7 minutes


Every day our consciousness "shuts off" for an extended period. We do not see, hear, or feel. It is as if we enter another world. Upon waking, one might ask: Where have I been all this time? And if you wake someone abruptly in the night, they often struggle to recognize which world they are in.

Sleep is so ordinary that we seldom question its true nature. And when we do this, science is here to provide the explanation: Sleep is a time for our body's recovery, a phase for "memory consolidation," during which the brain processes and stabilizes experiences. But is this a complete answer? How can science explain something to which it has no direct access - our inner self?

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The Mysterious Pattern Inside the Pi (π) Constant

February 26, 2025 Reading time: 7 minutes

Watch YouTube video based on this story about the constant PI.

The universe around you holds secrets, often hidden within mathematical constants. These constants are so deeply woven into the fabric of existence that we frequently overlook just how extraordinary they truly are.

Consider the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. This ratio is the constant known as π, with a value of approximately 3.14. It is an 'irrational' number, meaning that its decimal representation never ends, nor enters a repeating pattern. This constant cannot be expressed as a simple fraction of two integers. Could there be universes where π is different, say 4? Or perhaps universes where it is not constant at all, but instead a function of the diameter? Why does this world have this particular value of π?

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The Universe that Spins on a Tip of a Needle

February 11, 2025 Reading time: 8 minutes

YouTube video https://youtu.be/15TLFPWbt2E?si=aT996qTNywNZvvcT

You are born. You open your eyes, and what you see is this world - light, complexity, and others who care for you. Later in life, you realize one thing: you can exist only in this Universe. All its parameters and laws are precisely tuned for complex life. You may also conclude that this extraordinary fine-tuning is merely an observation bias - you cannot exist in other universes that are hostile to life.

Let's simplify this for you. Imagine this: It is dark. You have no sense of time, no space. You feel nothing. You have no prior memory, only a few basic concepts. Then, all of a sudden, a door slowly begins to open in front of you. The speed at which it opens gives you your first measure of time.

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How to write a resume with no work experience

October 3, 2024 Reading time: 5 minutes

Writing a resume when you have no work experience can feel like a catch-22: you need experience to get a job, but you need a job to gain experience. However, even without formal work history, you can still create a compelling resume that showcases your skills, education, and potential to employers. In this guide, we'll explore strategies for crafting a resume that can help you land your first job or internship.

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Key Essay Writer

October 3, 2024 Reading time: 3 minutes

In the fast-paced world of academia, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from coursework to extracurricular activities and part-time jobs. Among these demands, writing essays can become a significant source of stress. However, rather than viewing essay writing as a daunting task, more students are discovering the benefits of hiring professional essay writers https://essaypro.com/ to navigate these challenges effectively.

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Is it normal for a 2 year old to do puzzles?

September 2, 2024 Reading time: 10 minutes

Puzzles are a timeless educational tool that can engage toddlers in a variety of ways. Parents often wonder if their 2-year-old child is ready for puzzles, or whether such an activity is appropriate for their stage of development. While every child develops at their own pace, puzzles are generally considered a beneficial and normal part of play for 2-year-olds. In this article, we'll explore whether it's normal for a 2-year-old to do puzzles, the cognitive and motor skills involved, the types of puzzles suited for toddlers on the website https://voopuzzle.com/, and how puzzles can support overall development.

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