
Science, Technology and Computation

The alarming state of the human mindset

December 5, 2024 Reading time: 8 minutes

Whom we have become using Internet

One of my friends decided to create an educational website. It was a fantastic idea, and I fully encouraged him to pour his heart into the project. However, a lingering question kept nagging me: Are people curious enough to pay attention to this kind of work?

Unfortunately, I was right to worry. The web traffic to his site was so low that he began to feel anxious about what he was doing wrong. Generating a large number of web clicks wasn't the problem - after all, paying Google a few hundred dollars could easily drive traffic. The real issue was that behind these clicks, there were no actual people exploring the content on his website. Essentially, he ended up buying an "army" of internet bots created by the web search company, designed to make him believe his investment was worthwhile.

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