In In the beginning, there was no time, no space. Then, something extraordinary happened. The Big Bang occurred, giving rise to an expanding Universe filled with atoms, molecules, stars, planets, and galaxies.
Time propels us-and everything around us-forward, transforming the present into the past as we move into the future. We comprehend the past through memories and the traces of activity imprinted on material objects.
This is the scientific perspective. However, it faces a profound challenge: no structured, information-rich system can emerge from absolute nothingness. In a void absent of time, there could be no "THEN," no "BEFORE," and no "AFTER." Thus, there should be no Big Bang.
All such temporal characteristics can only exist within a domain where time-or something akin to it-already flows, where concepts like PRESENT, BEFORE, and AFTER hold meaning. This points to the existence of a deeper reality, a foundational realm, which must have a system with its own time arrow, pointing in a direction distinct from ours. In that system, notions of "THEN," "BEFORE," and "AFTER" must inherently exist.
What happened just before the Big Bang remains a mystery to science. This question often falls under the purview of religion and philosophy. However, what we do know is that the Big Bang is still present here and now, as the origin of our world lies beyond the arrow of time. While the Big Bang occurred in the past from our world's perspective, this does not necessarily mean it happened in the past for the reality that caused it. Thus, the beginning of the Universe continues to shape our past, present, and future.
Our actions in the present arise from perception and consciousness-phenomena that transcend the material world. They are intertwined with this deeper realm, which connects every moment of our history. This interconnectedness sheds light on phenomena like retrocausality and historic coincidences, themes explored in the book [1].
Albert Einstein once remarked: "For those of us who believe in physics, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion". This insight stems directly from his special theory of relativity, which reveals that simultaneity is relative, and that there is no universal significance of the present moment.
But, on a deeper level, we are all connected to a realm where there is no tangible distinction between past, present, and future. This leads to an even more profound conclusion. It means that as we navigate our lives, we can influence the past to align it with the present's expectations for the future.
by T.Smaltsar
The current article is based on the video clip called "Time" of the YouTube channel "DesignedWorld".
[1] "The Designed World of Information: Unveiling the Incredible Realm Beyond", by Dr. Sergei V. Chekanov, Book, Paperback: 466 pages, Hardcover 406 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9798990642836; Hardcover 9798990642843, eBook ISBN 9798990642829; Book webpage: