jSlovo is among fastest database engines for dictionaries. It is available for any
platform where Java can be used (Windows, Linux, Apple, Android).
It is mainly designed
for the use with free dictionaries and thesauruses.
In addition, jSlovo can be used to
create a file-based database from a text file and then use it to search for a particular definition.
One unique feature of this dictionary is that it is very fast. A data access is at the level of a few hundred milliseconds
for scanning 1 million definitions in a dozens of different dictionaries.
A clone of JSlovo for the Android platform is called ASlovo (A - means "Android", unlike "J" which means "Java").
The functionality is almost
the same. One difference is that ASlovo can be used to download dictionaries
automatically. You can install ASlovo from
ASlovo android market.
Here are the main features of
- Very fast. It normally takes a few hundred milliseconds
for scanning 1 million definitions in a dozens of dictionaries
- It can scan any large number of dictionary databases. The size of
the databases
are not limited.
- Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac and Android tablets;
- jSlovo dictionary databases from text files can be created using JSlovo GUI
- Everyone can upload and share dictionaries
- Created databases are very compact
- Based on UTF-8 encoding;
- One can use HTML tags in the text files for created databases;
- During the search, HTML files are created with the results of the
search. Each definition can further be searched;
- Search can be done using substrings.
- Virtual keyboard
Posted by jwork.org on Jun 01, 2011
Tags: JSlovo
How to make JSlovo database:
The dictionaries can be taken from
http://www.dicts.info/ or any
other place.
The only requirement is that the text file should be in UTF-8 format,
with one translation per line, and definitions should be
separated by tabulator or
- First, you have to prepare the JSlovo database.
You can download many text files with the dictionaries which can be
to JSlovo database format if you will go to http://www.dicts.info/.
They all should be compatible with JSlovo, since they use
"word<tab>word2" format.
The default behaviour for jSLovo is "word | definition", where "|" is used as a separator.
In order to convert text files with such structure to the compact and indexed JSlovo files with the
extension jdic, you
should open the text file of your dictionary and
copy a few lines at the very top of each text file:
<name of this file without the
# this is a comment
?jslovo-shortname | put here
short name of the dictionary
?jslovo-fullname |
put here more information
?jslovo-info |
put here license information if possible
# the rest of the file
reload |
(tr) to place (cargo, goods, etc.) back on (a ship. lorry, etc.)
For example, if you downloaded "english-german.txt", put at the
very beginning these lines:
# this is just comment
?jslovo-shortname |
?jslovo-fullname |
English-German free dictionary
?jslovo-info |
1999 under GNU GPL
Achtung |
See also an example in "doc/example.dic". The user can use HTML
tags in the text files.
The selected dictionary should be in UTF-8 format,
with one translation per line and words separated by tabulator or "|". One can use HTML tags in the definitions.
- Then open this file using JSlovo (Open "Tools-Make
database-open"). Make sure that the file has the extension
".dic" or ".tex". After opening this file, you should see the progress
bar and some messages about the status of converting the text file into
the database. Usually,
for 50k raws, it takes 10 seconds. The database will have the extention
".jdic" and will be copied to "jslovo/dbase" directory
- Restart JSlovo. This will make the database available for the user.
You can select any number of databases using JSlovo GUI.
All such metadata information can be accessed by the dictionary.
For example, just type "###" and press search. You will
see a complete information about the dictionary (license, numbers of definitions etc.)
For more information about the license look at JSlovo license