
A multiplaform dictionary

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Free dictionaries in jSlovo format

Name Words Date File Size
Термины А.С.Ахиезера 290 18/07/2011 05:23:03 ahiezer.jdic 0.49 MB
Bellorussian-English 24513 18/07/2011 05:22:48 be_en.jdic 0.32 MB
Belorussian-Polish 5855 18/07/2011 05:22:30 be_pl.jdic 0.12 MB
Belorussian-Russian 19267 18/07/2011 05:22:16 be_ru.jdic 0.33 MB
Belorussian-Ukranian 20275 18/07/2011 05:20:18 be_uk.jdic 0.32 MB
Энциклопедический Словарь 74217 18/07/2011 05:22:00 beslov.jdic 13.4 MB
Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary 74457 18/07/2011 05:20:03 bigencdic.jdic 13.78 MB
Энциклопедический словарь 4966 18/07/2011 05:18:41 brok_and_efr.jdic 12.25 MB
Russian-Russian (Dal) 44067 31/05/2010 23:56:25 dal.jdic 8.53 MB
English-Belorussian 24513 18/07/2011 05:17:04 en_be.jdic 0.34 MB
English-English (idioms) 9059 18/07/2011 05:16:44 eng_eng_idioms.jdic 0.88 MB
English-English (explanatory) 45901 31/05/2010 23:56:25 eng_eng_main.jdic 4.36 MB
English-English (new words) 1162 18/07/2011 05:16:22 eng_eng_nw.jdic 0.59 MB
English (synonyms) 9156 31/05/2010 23:56:25 eng_eng_syn.jdic 1.91 MB
English-Russian (computer II) 5154 18/07/2011 05:08:57 eng_rus_comp2.jdic 0.49 MB
English-Russian (informal) 15127 18/07/2011 05:08:17 eng_rus_glazunov.jdic 2.13 MB
English-Russian (idioms) 9756 18/07/2011 05:07:55 eng_rus_idioms.jdic 0.59 MB
English-Russian (slang) 887 18/07/2011 05:07:32 eng_rus_slang.jdic 0.23 MB
English-Dutch 137728 21/07/2011 00:20:01 english_dutch.jdic 3.88 MB
English-French 149773 21/07/2011 00:20:22 english_french.jdic 4.68 MB
English-Hungarian 73233 22/07/2011 01:21:43 english_hungarian.jdic 1.83 MB
English-Italian 142019 21/07/2011 03:24:50 english_italian.jdic 4.04 MB
English-Portuguese 144797 21/07/2011 03:25:14 english_portuguese.jdic 4.3 MB
English-Russian. Large. 437814 18/07/2011 05:16:09 english_rus_large.jdic 18.91 MB
English-Russian (2) 165178 18/07/2011 05:14:28 english_rus_large2.jdic 11.05 MB
English-Spanish 134639 21/07/2011 03:25:40 english_spanish.jdic 4.11 MB
English-Swedish 111392 21/07/2011 03:26:02 english_swedish.jdic 2.92 MB
English-Russian (business) 12684 18/07/2011 05:09:24 engrusbus.jdic 0.62 MB
English-Russian (economics) 14463 18/07/2011 05:08:40 engruseco.jdic 0.62 MB
Этнографический словарь 798 18/07/2011 05:05:01 ethnographic.jdic 0.12 MB
German-English 111285 18/07/2011 05:02:37 germ_eng.jdic 2 MB
German-Russian (3) 13004 31/05/2010 23:56:25 germ_rus.jdic 0.4 MB
German-Russian (2) 95183 18/07/2011 05:07:12 german_russian_2.jdic 5.01 MB
Латинско-русский 12617 18/07/2011 05:04:21 lat_rus.jdic 0.3 MB
Медицинский словарь 1168 31/05/2010 23:56:25 meddict.jdic 2.74 MB
English-Russian (Mueller) 67070 18/07/2011 05:00:43 mueller24.jdic 3.79 MB
English-Russian (Muller) 46234 31/05/2010 23:56:26 muller7.jdic 3.13 MB
Толковый словарь Ожегова 61459 18/07/2011 04:57:34 ozhegov.jdic 2.95 MB
Polish-Belorussian 5855 18/07/2011 05:03:40 pl_be.jdic 0.16 MB
Polish-English 33659 18/07/2011 05:03:15 pl_en.jdic 0.55 MB
Polish-Russian 90363 18/07/2011 05:23:24 pl_ru.jdic 1.01 MB
Russian-English 69205 21/07/2011 22:00:54 rus_eng.jdic 3.25 MB
Russian-English (2) 348062 31/05/2010 23:56:26 rus_eng2.jdic 11.48 MB
Russian-German 32624 31/05/2010 23:56:26 rus_germ.jdic 1.92 MB
Computer Science Abbreviations 507 18/07/2011 05:06:17 sc_abbr.jdic 0.1 MB

Type numbers:


The dictionaries listed above can be used in the desktop dictionary (JSlovo) as well as in the Android version (ASlovo). These dictionaries have been uploaded by our visitors. Everyone can upload a dictionary using the upload button above. The uploaded dictionary file will be shown on the web page, but without additional information. It takes a several days to verify the uploaded dictionary and properly include it into the database. If possible, please include the license information in the field "?jslovo-info" when making a dictionary (see the home page for explanation).


We maintain this Web site as a free service to our visitors. We are not responsible for the content and accuracy of the free dictionaries. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit to delete any dictionary file in case if it violates a license agreement or it has a poor quality.