Eisenstein integral

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In mathematical representation theory, the Eisenstein integral is an integral introduced by Harish-Chandra[1] in the representation theory of semisimple Lie groups, analogous to Eisenstein series in the theory of automorphic forms. Harish-Chandra used Eisenstein integrals to decompose the regular representation of a semisimple Lie group into representations induced from parabolic subgroups.[2] Trombi gave a survey of Harish-Chandra's work on this.[3]


Harish-Chandra[4] defined the Eisenstein integral by

[math]\displaystyle{ \displaystyle E(P:\psi:\nu:x) = \int_K\psi(xk)\tau(k^{-1})\exp((i\nu-\rho_P)H_P(xk)) \, dk }[/math]


  • x is an element of a semisimple group G
  • P = MAN is a cuspidal parabolic subgroup of G
  • ν is an element of the complexification of a
  • a is the Lie algebra of A in the Langlands decomposition P = MAN.
  • K is a maximal compact subgroup of G, with G = KP.
  • ψ is a cuspidal function on M, satisfying some extra conditions
  • τ is a finite-dimensional unitary double representation of K
  • HP(x) = log a where x = kman is the decomposition of x in G = KMAN.


  1. (Harish-Chandra 1970); (Harish-Chandra 1972)
  2. (Harish-Chandra 1975); (Harish-Chandra 1976a); (Harish-Chandra 1976b)
  3. (Trombi 1989)
  4. (Harish-Chandra 1970)
