Chemistry:Mustard cake

From HandWiki

Mustard cake is the residue obtained after extraction of oil from mustard, which is used as organic fertilizer.[1] Mustard cake powder is excellent organic fertilizer containing food ingredients and even catalysts for herbaceous plants (fruit, flower and vegetable plants).[2] Mustard cake are very useful as feed for the livestock and cattle.[3][4]


Mustard cake powder is a universal and harmless fertilizer as it contains no other ingredients except mustard. It can be used both by mixing it with the soil and as a liquid organic fertilizer.[5]

  • Meets the needs of nitrogen, potassium and various macro and micro elements required by plants. It makes flowers, fruits and plants grow to the right size.[6]
  • Natural and eco-friendly best organic fertilizer.
  • Provides phosphorus to plants.[6]

How to use

Mustard cake powder can be used in two ways.

Direct use

Mustard cakes must be finely ground to apply directly to the soil. The powder can be applied at a distance of half a meter from the base of the plant.[7]

Liquid form

Mustard cake powder need to be soaked in water for a week to rot. After a week, it should be applied to the soil near the base of the plant in a ratio of 1:10 with composted water and fresh water.[2]
