
An Image Identification Program


ImRelate is an automatic image identification program written in Java. It is designed to calculate a probability that an image is derived from another (original) image. The algorithm is rather fast: the analysis of an image with 120x150 pixels requires about 1-3 sec. The algorithm does not use pixel fingerprints, so the method can perform image identification even if the original image was re-mastered. The algorithm tries to identify objects shown on images. The algorithm can be used in many areas such as:
  • search for a similar image;
  • detection of copyrighted images and videos on the Internet;
  • search for similar images on your PC;
  • detection of object changes in an image (object locations or sizes);
  • biometric identification;
  • computer and robot vision.

Posted by S.Chekanov ( on Jun 01, 2012
Tags: About ImRelate

Download and run

Download the ImRelate from the download web page. This version is completely self-contained and does not require additional libraries. The source code is included.


Reference manual and Java examples that use ImRelate library are available for SCaVis members using the ImRelate wiki. Please look at some outputs of ImRelate shown in the right menu of this web page.

License and source code

The project is licensed by the GNU public license.