Engineering:Airport LED Display

From HandWiki

1. What Is Airport LED Display?

Airports have a variety of screens to fulfill different requirements such as guiding, advertising, informing, and entertaining.

The most commonly used LED screen in airports is the flight information display, which provides passengers with essential information about their flights, including airline details, arrival/departure cities, departure/arrival times, and boarding gates.

Other types of screens in airports can be found throughout the facility. For example, large airport LED displays are often used for advertising products and services in the airport hall, while LED screens at the entrance of escalators guide passengers to their destinations. Additionally, LED screens for entertainment purposes are often available in the lounge area.

2. Types of Airport Display Board

(1) Flight Information Display Flight information displays (FIDs) are crucial in airports as they provide passengers with important flight information, helping them board on time and avoid missing crucial updates.

These displays are typically found in airport terminals and departure lounges. FIDs centrally manage and display information to keep passengers informed about their flights in real-time.

What is a Flight Information Display System?

An airport employs a Flight Information Display System (FIDS) to deliver real-time flight information to passengers. This system operates electronic or mechanical display boards and monitors that effectively present details of arriving and departing flights.

(2) Advertising LED Screen Advertising LED screens can be found in airport waiting areas and stores. These displays engage people with entertaining or interesting advertisements, generating sponsorship revenues for the airport.

For example, an advertisement for sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts in an airport store selling swimwear might inspire travelers waiting for a flight to Hawaii.

(3) Wayfinding LED Signage Navigating large airports can be challenging for passengers. However, by displaying wayfinding maps on digital signage throughout the airport network, travelers can save time and avoid unnecessary hassle.

Moreover, these wayfinding displays can also serve as advertising space, providing an additional opportunity for businesses to promote their products or services.

(4) Creative LED Screens for Decoration If you want to create a unique and impressive decoration style, various creative LED screens are a must-have!

Whether it's a curved LED screen installed on a corner wall, a cylinder LED display placed in the center of the hall, or a ball LED screen hanging from the ceiling, creative LED screens can add an extra splash of color and decoration to airports.

(5) Single or Dual Color LED Displays for Queue Management Digital signage simplifies the management of large queues at departure gates. As the boarding process begins, the display seamlessly transitions from showcasing advertisements to providing information on boarding calls. This switch enhances communication and helps maintain an organized and efficient boarding experience.

(6) LED Screens for Baggage Claim These display screens are typically placed next to baggage claim carousels. They significantly enhance the efficiency of the entire process and reduce instances of mistaken identification.

The design of these display screens should be eye-catching, simple, and focused, delivering information directly and effectively to passengers.

airport led screen for baggage claim area

What Can Airport LED Screen Bring to You?

Airport LED displays can bring several benefits to passengers, airport staff, and businesses, including:

Real-time Information: LED displays provide real-time flight information, gate changes, and boarding updates, keeping passengers informed and reducing confusion.

Advertising Opportunities: Businesses can use LED displays for advertising, promoting products and services to a captive audience of travelers.

Queue Management: LED displays help manage queues at departure gates, providing clear instructions and updates to facilitate efficient boarding processes.

Wayfinding: LED displays with wayfinding maps assist passengers in navigating large airports, saving time and reducing stress.

Enhanced Ambiance: Creative LED screens can enhance the ambiance of the airport, adding color and visual interest to the environment.

Efficient Baggage Claim: LED screens near baggage carousels improve the efficiency of the baggage claim process, reducing confusion and mistaken identification.

Overall, airport LED displays contribute to a smoother travel experience, effective communication, and revenue generation for businesses.