(J) MathLab

A multiplaform computational platform


jMatLab is a platform for mathematical and numerical computations. It is a clone of Matlab and Octave. Unlike Matlab, it is free. Unlike Octave, it runs on any platform where Java is installed. It can also run on the Web browser. The program can be used for:
  • Symbolic calculations (simplification, differentials, integration)
  • Numeric Evaluation of mathematical functions, special functions
  • Linear algebra with vectors and matrices
  • Displaying data, vectors, matrices and functions using 2D and 3D interactive plots
  • Saving data (vectors and matrices) in CSV files
  • Random numbers using the major distributions
  • Solving linear and non-linear equations and systems of equations
  • Basic statistical calculations and histogramming

Posted by S.Chekanov (jwork.org) on Jun 01, 2012
Tags: About JMathLab


The program is a part of the DMelt computational environment. It is also included to the jPort portable desktop which can be started from a USB flash drive.

You can also use a light version of jMathLab here. To run it, click on the jar file (Windows) or run it as "java -jar jwork-jmathlab.jar" (Linux/Mac). One can also use jMathLab shell and execute Matlab/Octave M-files using command-line prompt. The program also runs on the Android platform (AWork).


Read interactive jMathLab tutorial from jLearn portal. Reference manual is available for members here.

Your participation

If you have a useful code implemented as M-file or as Java package which you would like to include to the next release, please contact jmathlab[AT]jwork.org. Also, all bug reports and requests can be posted on jMathLab forum

License and source code

The project is licensed by the GNU public license. The program includes several other projects licensed by GNU: Jasymca, JMathLib, Lapack, epsgraphics, Blas and R-text textarea. You can download the source code from here. To compile it, you will need the following third-party jar libraries: