I'm a scientist working at the High Energy Physics Division of the Argonne National Laboratory (USA). My current experiment is ATLAS/LHC ( at CERN. In the past I was a member of the ZEUS experiment ( experiment at DESY (1998-2009) and the L3 experiment ( at LEP (1995-1998). I've contributed to experiments with >1400 publications, and wrote 15 papers for large-scale international experiments. I'm a primary author of more than 200 published articles and two books on data analysis (by Springer).
Among major physics highlights, I was a primary author of highest-precision F2cc measurements used to understand charm structure of the proton, evidence for strange pentaquarks (not confirmed) in ep collisions, a first observation of the strange sea at HERA, a first observation of direct (anti) deuterons in ep. In 2011, I led a group of scientists measuring photons (quanta of light) at the highest energy (more than 1 teraelectronvolt or 10^12 electron volts) ever produced by humans in a laboratory environment. In 2021–2023, I led a group of LHC scientists to publish the first paper in elementary particle physics in which all collision events from the LHC collider were converted into event "replicas" using a deep unsupervised neural network for searches for new physics. (Phy.Org, NewsWise, ANL article).
- Contact for data derivaton production for exotic group of the ATLAS collaboration
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- ATLAS analysis contact for anomaly detection using in ATLAS data using all major trigger streams
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- And a fun project: Making EncycloSphere possible!
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- ATLAS analysis contact for world's first BSM searches using unsupervised machine learning for anomaly detection in full event kinematics of LHC events (released by ATLAS in May as preliminary, released in July for PRL).
- ATLAS Analysis contact of the ATLAS paper on searches for new physics in multibody final state (published in July)
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- And a fun project: Making EncycloSphere possible!
- Coordinator for event displays of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Technical Liaison of Snowmas21 DPF in the USA
- ANL contact for Maintenance and Operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- And a fun project: Making EncycloSphere possible!
- Coordinator for event displays of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Technical Liaison of Snowmas21 DPF in the USA
- ANL contact for Maintenance and Operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- And a fun project: Making EncycloSphere possible!
- Coordinator for event displays of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Technical Liaison of Snowmas21
- ANL contact for Maintenance and Operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- Coordinator for event displays of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- ANL contact for Maintenance and Operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- Contact person for BSM searches in the dijets+lepton channel (ATLAS exotic group)
- Co-convener of the Tile Hadronic calorimeter simulation upgrade of the ATLAS Collaboration (until June)
- Contact for Jet physics and software validation of the ATLAS Collaboration
- ANL contact for Maintenance and Operation of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- Physics studies and editorial board chair
- Contact person for BSM searches in the dijets+lepton channel (ATLAS exotic group)
- Co-convener of the Tile Hadronic calorimeter simulation upgrade of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Jet physics and software validation convener of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Operation of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
- ATLAS/ANL support center
- ITK pixel module upgrade (readout and ITK simulation)
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- Physics studies and editorial board chair
- Reviewer of the Video Course "Java Data Analysis" by Packt>
- Co-convener of the Tile Hadronic calorimeter simulation upgrade of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Jet physics and software validation convener of the ATLAS Collaboration
- Operation of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
- ATLAS analysis support center software
- ITK pixel module upgrade (readout and ITK simulation)
- Future collider studies and support of the HepSim public repository
- Physics studies and editorial board chair
- Jet physics and software validation convener of the ATLAS Collaboration
- A member of the speakers committee of the ATLAS Collaboration (TileCal)
- Operation of ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
- ATLAS analysis support center software and upgrade projects
- FCC detector performance studies
- Representative of Argonne's Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program
- A leader of the computer group (2008-2014) of the High Energy Physics Division of the Argonne National Laboratory
- Work on the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (LVPS, monitoring, software development)
- A co-convener of the Monte Carlo simulation group of Snowmass 2013 (Energy Frontier)
- Responsible for computer infrastructure of the ATLAS Analysis Support Center (ASC) at ANL
- A co-convener of the QCD Group of the ZEUS Collaboration. Look at the public results of this group.
- Responsible for the operation of the ZEUS Barrel Presampler of ZEUS calorimeter and Calorimeter First Level Trigger Processor (CFLTP)
- Construction and operation of ZEUS pre-shower detector of the ZEUS Calorimeter
- Ph.D. University of Nijmegen/NIKHEF, The Netherlands
- A member of the L3 Collaboration at the CERN laboratory. Data analysis of e+e- data and resposibilities for the L3 calorimeter
- Ph.D. Theoretical HEP physics. Academy of Science of Belarus.
Preferred physics areas of my interest include (but are not limited to) the following: QCD analysis, jets in DIS and pp, heavy flavor (charm in DIS), strange particle production, pentaquarks, prompt photons in photoproduction and hadron collisions, Higgs studies, particle correlations and fluctuations, multiplicity moments, multiplicity properties of the current/target regions in the Breit frame of DIS, charm production in DIS, intermittency phenomenon (both theoretical and experimental study), Bose-Einstein correlations/interference (one- two- three- dimensional study in Longitudinal Center-of-Mass System, with different backgrounds, Bose-Einstein correlations of hadrons from different W at LEP2 energies), multiparticle production models (QCD based, phenomenological analytical and Monte-Carlo models), studies of top quarks at the NLC.
I was a member of the following experiments:
- L3 Collaboration at the CERN laboratory (Ph.D. research)
- ATLAS experiment at LHC (CERN) work on prompt-photon analysis and searches for new physics using ttbar decays
- HERA experiment ZEUS Collaboration : my pos-doc research and present involvement as a coordinator of the QCD group
- ILC experiment. Presently I'm working on the top production in e+e- collisions. See details here.
In addition, I'm interested in data-mining technologies and software associated with statistical and physics analysis of large data sets. Visit the page with my software programs.