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Developer(s)Justin Dorfman, David Henzel (MaxCDN)
Initial release2012
Stable release
4.1.1 / 2018
Operating systemCross-platform (web-based application)
TypeFree CDN
LicenseMIT (code), CC-BY 4.0 (code/doc/icons), SIL OFL 1.1 (fonts)

BootstrapCDN is a public content delivery network. It enables users to load CSS, JavaScript and images remotely from its servers. Used by more than 7.9 million websites worldwide (including 30% of the top-10k websites), BootstrapCDN serves more than 70 billion requests a month.[1] In March 2021 the ownership was transferred to the jsDelivr project.


NetDNA (formerly MaxCDN, acquired by StackPath) launched BootstrapCDN, the free content delivery network aspect of Bootstrap, with a beta launch on June 7, 2012, and a stable launch on July 5, 2012.[2] Stanford University, Angry Birds and Gizmodo utilize BootstrapCDN.[3]

Font Awesome

Font Awesome, a font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap, was incorporated into BootstrapCDN on August 21, 2012. The font offers scalable vector icons that are CSS-friendly for customization.[4]

As of July 5, 2013 — a year after it launched — BootstrapCDN transferred 40.73 terabytes and served 3.2 billion requests, with 383 changes to its GitHub repository (git commits). Font Awesome was its most popular requested file with 338,329,273 hits.[5]


Developers can access BootstrapCDN's CSS and Javascript content through the following links:[6]

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-B0vP5xmATw1+K9KRQjQERJvTumQW0nPEzvF6L/Z6nronJ3oUOFUFpCjEUQouq2+l" crossorigin="anonymous">

<script src="" integrity="sha384-+YQ4JLhjyBLPDQt//I+STsc9iw4uQqACwlvpslubQzn4u2UU2UFM80nGisd026JF" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


External links